An app a day keeps educational problems away

Nowadays, a lot of teachers wonder how they can make their lessons more attractive to their students who are addicted to the internet, cellphones and video games. This typical addiction of a whole generation can be seen as a problem or as a great chance…

Changing times require changing teaching methods. So instead of torturing their students (and also themselves) with old methods, teachers can integrate the iPhone into their curriculum. By applying  so-called apps for the iPhone, it’s more interesting for students to take part in class or in projects.

An app a day keeps educational problems away…

Just one touch away from U.S. presidents, tours through important museums or even space travels…An amazing portal to a live stream of information is provided by billions of minds. So students have fun to present this knowledge gained in a few seconds instead of looking for the information in books.

Not only students benefit from the iPhone lessons, but also the teacher. By using the iPhone apps, it’s possible to work more efficiently. Really?  As the administration and organization of a teacher is often a unending story,  here again the iPhone method is very promising.

Apps for teachers include an electronic calendar, a notebook and a course register. Paper work isn’t necessary anymore. The data of students is always up to date and in the pocket!

To give you an inspiration of different apps, you will find a top five list containing various topics. These five are just starters, other will be added in the following days. So, have fun…and maybe you’ll become an iPhone teacher or student.

Top 5 Free Learning Apps:

1. myHomework: Interesting student productivity app allowing to keep track of homework, classes, projects and tests. The notebook-like design appeals visually.

2. TeacherTool: Administrative and organizational work of a teacher can be done more effectively: This app is a teacher’s electronic calendar, notebook and course register always up to date and in the pocket!

3. Kindle: Free app from Amazon allowing download books straight to the iPhone.

4. NASA: The NASA provides a wealth of free space travel information.

5. Louvre: Check out the paintings, drawings, prints and sculptures in the most important museum in Europe or even in the entire world.

~ by The iPhone Teacher on 23. January 2010.

One Response to “An app a day keeps educational problems away”

  1. Impressed by the TeacherTool!
    Quoting you: “To give you an inspiration of different apps, you will find a top five list containing various topics. These five are just starters, other will be added in the following days. So, have fun…and maybe you’ll become an iPhone teacher or student.” Maybe both in my case…
    Thanks for this blogpost. Awesome informative reading! Very curious about the future blogposts!

    Will be dropping by.

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